With every single thing carrying a higher price tag. It kills me to pull 5 bucks out of my wallet for a Mocha at the local Coffee Slinging Joint. I have gift cards carrying balances, but I am saving those little babies for a rainy day when I am in desperate need of a something to make me feel cozy and a caffeine fix. On camping trips in remote locations where there are no Starbucks on any corner you pass, I created the Frugal Faux Mocha.
The Frugal Faux Mocha
Fresh brewed strong coffee
One packet hot chocolate mix
flavored creamers if you want a fancy FF Mocha
Canned Low Fat Whipped Cream
In your favorite coffee mug or disposable camping cup, dump the contents of one hot chocolate packet. Fill with your freshly brewed strong coffee. Gently stir as if you were a Barista. If you want to make your FF Mocha fancy add a bit of flavored creamer.
Sit back and enjoy. Daydream about the shoes you could buy with the money you save from not buying the expensive coffee alternative every day in one week.
You can use flavored coffee. Like Hazelnut, Vanilla or add cinnamon to your favorite coffee. Then you won't need flavored creamers.
If camping and you don't have Canned whip cream use a few of the marshmallows you would use for S'mores! (:
Question for the Day? Do you think Starbucks would ever make a drive thru that would accomodate a large truck and a travel trailer?
ziti chickpeas with sausage and kale
2 days ago
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